A typical Hound spotted earlier

Sunday 31 January 2010

15th October 2009

Tony, Danny, Tina, Daren, Robson Hound, El barnetto, Alistair, Kevster and Nicky did not go to the Jolly Farmers last night.

They did not enter a team with an amusing twist on the theme of hounds and they did not drink copious amounts of alcohol.

Theo may have turned up on time or he may have been late - we just dont know.

The opening round probably contained 30 questions on random themes, some of which we would have got right, others not.

A Team that didn't contain the word Hound in it's title was in the lead at this point (Lead - geddit? Hound, Lead !!)

There were 2 more rounds and Theo was probably relieved at not having to artificially massage the Hound's score down to keep all the other teams happy.

Strangely Kevster's family team won and proceeded to bombard him with texts about how we were too scared to take them on.

There was no rioting and then the raffle was drawn and none of us won - again!!

Hoorah for The Hound - Transmission ends..................

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