Apologies all, I've been, ahem, busy for most of the morning. Apologies for the slight formality of the format.
Hound were Nicky, Daren, Kevin and myself. Two hounds walked to the JF, two got the train. Pre-quiz meals were, in descending order of calorific content:
Meat pie and chips
Bacon sandwich and salmon sandwich
Hot nuts
Blueberries and a banana.
Please match the meal and mode of transport to the hound.
Despite a suggestion of Apple's New iHound, this was felt a bit clanky by some of the team, well Daren. Lots of alternatives were suggested and pooh-poohed. I actually can't remember what we finished up as; not a good start.
The Quiz
Not a great start and we didn't even get the phoney American town, clearly missing Tina's influence. Despite the music round being a rum old collection, we actually did very well and pulled up to joint lead. I think a record 11 teams contested the tie-break. We didn't win, neither were we second.
I can't remember the anagram question but can remember the answer - so what's an anagram of neurosis?
How many carats was the Cullinan diamond (the largest ever found) in it's uncut state?
Bit different to the usual fare. Nicky drank industrial quantities of merlot. Kevster saw fit to throw the last pint of Kronenbourg in the pub over Daren, forcing a switch to Amstel. I drank Brains Dark - which had the consistency and taste of treacle.
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