A typical Hound spotted earlier

Sunday 31 January 2010

7th January 2010

The first quiz since the drunken escapade three weeks ago and the Hounds were straining at their respective leashes. Even though Daren's "mystery guest" didn't materialise, we still had a more than respectable team of five with Emma B augmenting the four regulars. Footwear was a pair of brown shoes, a pair of black shoes, a pair of Christian Louboutin's and two pairs of trainers. With both Emma and Daren securing WFH Fridays, spirits were high.

Conditions, or maybe it being January meant slightly fewer teams than normal but deadly rivals Quizzards Sleeve and The Hamsters were both in attendance and sat nearby. SnowHound adopted their usual front running tactics with 28/30 on the first round (actually 26 right plus a possible) meant we tied for the lead. The music round followed a diva sort of theme and our respective knowledges dovetailed beautifully with barely a question incorrect. We were unable to extend our lead however and it was to be all on the final round, for a change.

Emma's entertainment and film knowledge really came to the fore here as those questions where we normally sit around blankly and look at each other were answered with confidence. Despite a difference of opinion on the Cher song, was it "If I Could Turn Back Time" of "Gypsies Tramps and Thieves"? (it was the latter) and the usual true or false lottery (they were all true) we felt we were in the mixer. The hot rumour was we were in for a tie-break and we steeled ourselves for this but SnowHound emerged as a clear two point winner! Our Hound party drinks now include a case of stella.

After that a band, which I think was the owner and a couple of mates came on and Daren and Kevster worked through what their set would be on open mic night. Sounds like a treat for everyone.

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