A typical Hound spotted earlier

a.k.a. The Hound

Every week at The Quiz, The Hound likes to enter under a different name.

Not a radically different name you understand, we are after all The Hound, but if a topical theme can be worked into the name alongside the word 'Hound' then we'll give it a go. And if it's an absolutely stinking pun then so much the better.

Check back here from time to time as we remember more of the various aliases The Hound has gloried under and note them here - with explanations where required...

It's raining Cats and Hounds' - it had been raining all week

The Year of the Hound - it was Chinese NYD

The Dirty Hound

Give Me Back My Hound - inspired by a random Daily Mail headline

A Sixpack of Hounds

The Return Of The Hound

The Wisdom of Hounds

The O'Hounds - in deference to our weekly quizmaster, Theo

The Fantastic Mr Hound - I think it was the week the Foxy film was released

A Hound Is Not Just For Christmas - the final quiz before the Xmas break

Snowhound - it had been snowing all week

The Slush Puppies - the previous week's snow was melting

The Pink Hound - how camp...

Rampage of the CyberHound - taken from a Daily Mail headline about technologically aware football thugs

Teenage Hound - the night of one of the puppies 13th birthday

Usain Hound - it was the 2009 World Athletic Championships

The Cider Hound Rules - from the book/film, no idea why it was pertinent

Hot Cross Hound - it was Maundy Thursday

Raffle Winning Hound - hopefully prophetic but ultimately just wholly inaccurate and a bit daft

Messi Hound - a tiny hound with a low centre of gravity, prone to scoring four goals against Arsenal and being hailed as the best hound in the world

Volcano Hound - the skies were full of ash that planes were allergic to

Bigotted Hound - Gordon Brown had put his paw in it whilst out canvassing