A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 5 February 2010

4th February 2010

Right, given the new "on-line" format with the status report being available to millions, I started with the intention of a detailed report, including lots of factual content. However, given an earlier than normal start, and I think slightly stronger beer than usual, it all turned into even more of an alcoholic fug than typical and I can remember next to nothing, and can't even read my notes.

It started well enough, Kevster was off to That London to demonstrate sizes of fish or whatever it is they do at these places but managed to stay for about half of the first round.

That proved to be our best; we were given 29 points, and actually scored 28, failing on the location of Rawalpindi and where the Yakusa are based and were joint top. The music round, so often the Hound's strong suit, proved to be our undoing. Maybe the alcohol was starting to kick in but several questions we just didn't have a clue on. That said we were only one point off the lead. Regular text updates were being provided at this point to Pete who was up the Junction, I don't think that's a metaphor, and Kevster who correctly identified the singer of "Let's Here It For The Boy" - maybe they were playing it in the club. Sometime around here I dropped my phone in the urinal, it was starting to unravel.

On the mix of questions that is the final round, entertainment we just about muddled through, Daren managed to identify that Samuel L Jackson did not do any voice over on some film or other, Madagascar? We got one out of five on the True or False, they were all false. We did get the anagram though - SMOKIER.

Bizarrely after all that we were in a tie break, though to be fair, all the teams in the pub but one were. The tie-break question was - What is the largest number of children ever recorded as having been born to one woman in her lifetime. Around 5 minutes after the answer was given, I remembered reading this in the Guinness Book of Records as a youngster - no use then though. More interesting than the real answer though is our guess, supplied by Daren.

Suffice to say we didn't win, or were second.

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