A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 28 September 2018

The Full Six Pack of Hounds

Quite a rarity to have the whole team in place and congratulations for recent birthdays for Pete, Steve and Kevster. Here's the gang:

Maybe some of the team got cut off there, sure you get the idea anyway.

So scanning the picture you'll see that round 1 was airline logos, this sort of thing.

Quite tricky I thought, you can't see them from inside the plane and when in the air, they're generally too far away, I'll take the seven we got.

Ok confession, if I took blogging notes, I've lost them. But included in the current affairs was a question about Becks and his new thatch.

Looks like someone else to me?

More rounds followed. I remember debates about the German flag, who it is that sings the blues and the introduction of the road side breathalysers. By way of information, it was introduced on the 9th October 1967 which makes it nearly as old as Pete. Frankly, I think Pete's looking a lot better on it.

So cutting a short story even shorter, it was a Hound win. Go Hound!

So the Hound Xmas Do is pencilled in for the 23rd December, Steve if we could have a finance update sometime, that's handy. Back to the golf for me then, did I say this would be short?

Thursday 27 September 2018

“Didn’t they do well?” Hound

Oh what a circus, oh what a show.......
Just a brief blog to mark the seismic event that was Right bison and G-Force hosting the quiz.

I don’t have any notes so it will be mostly pictorial. The evening started with a strange turn when a bout of Irish jiggery  broke out....

We promptly moved seats to the more salubrious lounge area. Salubrious in this sense meaning ‘devoid of cavorting Irish jiggers’. 

After several more pints things seemed to settle down and the usual cast of Anoraks, Busters, Ladies, Tramps and quiz personnel arrived in drips and drabs. This was my cue to depart to to a seat at the bar and let Robin and Graham take centre stage.

The quiz flowed nicely with the usual rounds ;

Cunningly, the picture round had a connection that they were all foodstuffs and I was pleased to spot DarylStrawberry lurking amongst the Lemons, Cabdys and Berrys 

Current affairs etc flew by and then there was an interesting round where everything  was connected to baseball. I misheard and thought it was the chainletter round which lead to mass confusion until the scenario was explained to me and I was able to backtrack and fill in some answers.

Things became increasingly blurry from here on in, I can remember foolishly multiplying 49 x 49 for the answer to 7 cubedbut having struggled with the 10 pointers I had to go all out in the Jeapordy round which unsurprisingly didn’t go well. I ended up finishing last on 126 points I believe but at the end of the day t was quizzing that won.

Friday 14 September 2018

Master Of Hound

Ok, Graham and I were bolstered by Gerry and Nigel adding their considerable knowledge to the team. And it was needed straight away. Or probably not, we could have coped with 10 pictures of breakfast cereal. Team favourite, Alpen/muesli, least favourite, all-bran. Yuk, if it scored have scored 11th it would have done.

Ok, onto Current Affairs, what we didn't know was the North African country to recently outlaw forced marriage, Morocco the rascals and the recent celeb Big Brother winner, Ryan Thomas! Yes, who indeed. Let's have a picture.

Ryan Thomas, hoping its the right one.

Next up, Tom Hanks films. And again, not so bad, failing only with the name of the character he played in Saving Private Ryan.

Captain Miller, at least we got the Captain part.

Round 4 was back to name the year. Now I think The Ariana Grande should really be the name of a ship but it was actually the Costa Concordia that sank off Tuscany. Along with Felix Baumgartner's sky dive and Lonesome George's death, what was the year? Flipping a coin between 2011 and 2012 we called wrong.

Onto 10 pointers and I didn't have a clue what show the Aidensfield Arms (real name the Goathland Hotel, available for bookings) features but thankfully at least one of us did.

Locals on the way to the chippie.

So half-time, in decent shape and looking forward to linkups. Not to much fuss but well done to Gerry for knowing the ecclesiastical capital of Ireland was Armagh, linking us back to the Cuban capital.

So it was down to Jeopardy to surely decide it. And which carol does end Hosanna in excelsis? Cue much carolling and many "tra la las" later, it was indeed Ding Dong Merrily On High. Ding dong indeed. But who was Archbishop of Canterbury when women priests were first ordained (and frankly, who cares?). But it was,

Think we'd cut it down to two. And how much is the TV license? Well, about £150 wasn't going to cut it so we settled for an eight. Music, well we did enough, Hound win!

Ok, the serious business of next week.

Provsional roles and responsibilities, I don't think we're giving too much away here.

Pictures - Robson
Current Affairs - Robson
Round 3 - G Force
Connections/Year - G Force
Ten pointers/last question - G Force
Link Ups - G Force
Jeopardy - Robson
Music - Robson

Promises to be a thrilling night.

Saturday 8 September 2018


The Quiz takes place centre stage  at the PA these days. The pool table occupies the right hand side now. 5 teams with thirty pounds up for grabs should mean a decent competition. Including a new team of 6, pretty enthusiastic looking. Only 2 Hounds again this week.

September birthday pictures non too taxing.

Robson picked up the film stars, Keaton, Firth, Hardy. We didn’t get the middle one, Dahl apparently.

Current Affairs always likely to be a bit of a comedown after the recent clean sweep, we missed 3. Swaziland is celebrating 50 years of Independence from the UK, so we raised a glass to Mswati III the current reigning monarch. Manchester is Britain’s bike stealing capital, though we think our answer of Liverpool must at least be as good. Tony Blair thinks there should be a further Brexit referendum.

Round 3 was Birds, the feathered variety apart from Pretty Flamingo. Others featured were Quetzal, Nightingale and Pelican. I’m currently reading Mythos, Stephen Fry’s take on Greek myths & legends. This paid immediate dividends due to the story of  Leda & the Swan, the latter being the form taken by Zeus in order to dupe said mortal into his wicked clutches, no rohypnol in those days.

We didn’t get Kingfisher as being the bird closely associated with Rome, don’t think anyone did.

This painting, of which I have a jigsaw, Nighthawks also featured.

Return for the connections round this week, instead of guess the year. Items of clothing. We were slow on the uptake before remembering Balaclava as being the Crimean setting for the Charge of the Light Brigade, and a tricky US state question was backfilled as New Jersey.

10 pointers negotiated calmly, only slightly tricky one being the background colour of the Isle of Man Flag, which is red.

Schipol, Leyton Hewitt, Sandra Bullock and kebabs all featured in the Chain Letters round.

In good stead then heading to the Jeopardy round and it only got better. 9 fairly bog standard questions. First Daniel Craig Bond film was Casino Royale, and Vietnam claimed independence from France being the trickier ones. Hoping for a nice easy 10th question then, but better still a hard one which only we know (the Royal we, Robson not particularly up on Smurfing). Who is this nemesis of The Smurfs?

Answer Gargamel.

A welcome (?) return for The Lighthouse Family in the music round, 19 out of 20 scored.

A comfortable win. Anoraks left cursing our little blue friends but reality is they would still have been just short.
