A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 4 November 2016

Terence Trent Hound

Let it not be said that us hounds are creatures of habit. Several unusual events to report on last night's goings on.

1. Meeting at the Hatch.

Why? Well Graham and myself had another hard day's marking (the work's ok but I'm struggling with the commute) and were just too tired to cook. Steve had managed to swing a WFH as well and made the happy band.

2. No poppadoms.

It's curry night, what do you need lots of? In place I had a bhaji, Graham had a samosa. Reminds me of the time The Pembroke ran out of peas, not as it there's not a Tesco next door.

3. Hound Table Occupied By An Amorous Couple

Well I ask you? Pending their departure, which Graham hastened by standing very close, we had to occupy the Anoraks' usual spot.

4. The Hound's Plus One

One of TLATT found himself without a lady (or tramp) quite literally. A potted version of his life history revealed that his wife of 43 years died early last year, he's since taken up with another woman who he was very keen on, however on Monday she dumped him. It'll surprise no-one that he wasn't the most sparkling company, and that from me.

So the quiz, we start with some badly taken pictures.

Steve managed to recognise David Van Day just from his forehead. Almost spooky. Onto the rounds:

Current Affairs - Cheryl (she seems to have given up with surnames) is to be the face of Childline and the Spanish are striking about having too much homework.

Halloween - I'm sorry but I just don't buy it as a major event. Still, we hit the crossbar a couple of times here, witches brooms are generally made from birch, not that I know any witches and apple bobbing apparently determines who's going to get married. Maybe we've moved on from that, maybe we have't.

Connections - Lots of seemingly unconnected things but we subsequently found it, all pumpkins. David Dickinson included. Is it the colour?

Ten Pointers - Bagged.

Link Ups - Sticky start, about three in before we actually wrote anything down but then it started to come together. We tried to fit a close fitting item of jewellery between "Ramekin" and "Taffeta", gave up and put bracelet. Necklet apparently. Wouldn't "Inuit Territory in NW Canada" just be a whole lot better?

Jeopardy - Not the easiest. We swerved a mild bear trap knowing the 50k walk is the longest Olympic athletic event but had no idea what a dish "Veronique" was. We thought Daren would probably have known it though. Also what did Jack Horner have his thumb in? Probably his ass.

Something Veronique.

Music - Needed to go to second listen on a few, being stumped by something Irish sounding. We fancied our chances though, no-one looked like they'd nailed the Jeopardy and we were confident on 10 pointers. Not to be, second again.

Checked access for the 17th and fine, great if we could all make it there though we have a quiz to win before then.


  1. Johnny and the Moondogs last week, some random fella from L&TT this, I suspect there's a clandestine recruitment drive taking place.

  2. Pig photo added to blog.

