Thanks at least in part to Rolls-Royce/Vickers Umbrella shares are up to £2.34 today. It's almost like they are better off without us. As if.
Pozdrowienia z psami to all our polish readers who continue to hit the blog big style.
Numbers are down again, just me and Robson. As a comparison here is the attendance for the other teams;
Lady & The Tramp - 8
Anoraks - 6
Young Ones - 2 + an old one
Unfamiliar Girls - 4 + 1 more later
Two new blokes behind us - 2 surprisingly
Busters - Not less than 50 at any one time.
Ok, it's Louie's quiz this week, we did have prior warning so no need to swot up on Current Affairs.
Oh good, makes of car to kick off. Robson and I reckon 4 was a good score here, but any one of you might disagree with this. We both got number 1., Robson knew no 6., and I got Fiat (which is on the back, it's Louie this week). My strategy of putting Ford where we didn't have a clue bore fruit on number 9, but you knew that didn't you. Despite it being Louie, I put Porsche and Lotus respectively for 3. and 7., knowing all of the time that they were probably Italian. Number 8. may look easy to you but apparently the answer is BMW. The wily old fox got the 'My answer is the correct one' in early, something he might come to rely on later.
Round 2 is numbers, surely an immediate chance to get some points back. Alas, no actual numerical ability required, being able to count was enough. Dots on a dice, Pearl wedding, carats in pure gold that kind of thing. We did surprisingly poorly here as well.
Another chance follows immediately, 'Name the Dog' a bone-a fide Hound Round. Dogs relating to the following;
Bill Sykes
Tin Tin
Rubeus Hagrid
Dorothy Gale
Famous Five
Mrs Humphreys in All Creatures Great and Small.
Bob Carolgees/Micky Quinn
Punch & Judy
Dr Who

Of course we got them all.
Two short connections round this week, 4 answers and then a connection. We got the second but not the first.
For the first, kicking myself for not remembering that 'Rodney Marsh' was sacked by Sky for a tasteless Tsunami joke. The other answers were 'Miners', 'Willow' and 'Azurri'. Answer at the foot of the page.
Second set of 4 answers were 'Pew', Barney Rubble', 'Officer Dibble' and 'Grub'.
We got the ten pointers, I pulled out 'Fenn Street' as the school in 'Please Sir', which I think brought us back in line, not many got it.
It's Louie this week, so anagrams of famous actresses at half time.
1. Joining Aleale
2. Fax Gnome
3. Twangler Wop Thy
4. Puzel Cornpe
5. Kittens Nurds
6. Hanked To Us
7. Blanketiet Cake
8. Zodiac Maner
9. Jointers Fine Ann
10.Woman Teams.
It's Louie this week, so watch out for the spelling mistakes in 4. and 7. We got them all, 3. taking the longest. Answers on application.
Onto the Jeopardy Round and it feels like we have to have a go. Not necessarily true as it transpired.
Did I mention that it's Louie this week, so everything is from 2009, not sure that the Jeopardy round needs a theme. Microsoft bought/launched which search engine in 2009. We weren't sure but arrived at Bing by process of elimination. It's stretching us to remember Mel Brooks controversial touring play from 2009, but we settle unsurely on 'Springtime for Hitler'. Two other obvious stumbling blocks, "What iconic mode of transport popular in the US was introduced to the UK in 2009?" and a Hillary Benn multiple choice question with 4 possible answers. The 4 answers were 'Sell by', Use By', 'Best Before' and a comedy one to end. Not looking great at this stage but we reckon 'Best Before' is right.
I'm sorry to say that I now resorted to deviousness asking for the transport question again because I could tell that Louie was uncomfortable that it might be a bit hard. A bit of subtle probing and he eventually gave away that it was a Greyhound bus, game on. We go full tilt.
Louie gave the answer to the Hillary Benn question as 'Use By' but subsequent googling suggested that it was actually 'Use Before', which wasn't one of the 4 possible answers. Not much point in complaining as Louie's answer is correct we already know that, and besides 'Springtime for Hitler' is just one of the songs in 'The Producers'. Nil points it is. In a simple twist of fate it transpires following the scores that we would have won by leaving the doubtful ones out. Having said that, The Anoraks were probably the rightful winners, blowing their Jeopardy round because they weren't listening when I pumped Louie on the Greyhound question, and answered 'Segway'. They didn't see the funny side of that at all. Easy full marks on the music for us, and a second win in a row for the Busters. By my calculations they made about £1 each.
Connections answers, 'Tits' and 'Camberwick Green/Trumpton'.
Thursday's blog posted.
Lovely stuff although it does sound like a anther strange evening. On to next week
ReplyDeleteIt was a weird one, always something different with Louis. Looking forward to next week with maybe a prompt start.