A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 26 August 2016

A Few Good Hounds

Relatively thin on the ground this week but then we were bolstered by Pete's second in a row and with Daren and myself, officially quorate. Pre quiz yap included a bit of a prolonged rant about the BBC. Shooting fish I know but no reason not to do it. High time I think to abolish the licence fee and fund the thing from taxation. A vote winner before the next election and enraging the luvvies at the same time? Come on Theresa, that one's for free.

Onto the quiz and in a change from the norm, we kicked off with a "word ladder". Change one letter to fit the clue, e.g. LATCH LARCH PARCH etc. After a bit of head scratching it came together.

Current Affairs seemed even more weird than normal. Apparently a five stone pearl has been found and noodles are the new standard currency in US prisons? Maybe it's the time of year.

Next up, a weather theme, Toby Flood, Hurricane Higgins, that sort of thing. Only tripped up by the film where Nicole Kidman plays a brain surgeon.

Connections and four in I postulated "I'm too sexy". Not for the quiz but to link answers like car, Milan, catwalk. Fun then to see the penny drop with other teams around the pub. The last answer was Bernard Cribbins which foxed me at the time but is of course from where RSF got their name.

Ten pointers were comfortably despatched and it was a good first half. This was to come undone, I think for the first time, on the link ups round. It went wrong on question 3, Daren tried to get us back on track but I think I took us away again. It did circle back, but we'd long lost where we were by then.

Onto Jeopardy. What is a Purple Heart awarded for? This had more than a whiff of Bear Trap, turns out it's for being killed or wounded in action. The decade Mahatma Ghandi was assassinated and rows of stars in the US flag were also too tricksy, lacking our normal flag and Asia expert.

Music and it was Pete's time to shine picking out these fellas.

The rest were fairly standard stuff, all that remained was the number of flavours of Ice cream Baskin & Robbins have produced. Around 1,100 for the record.

Onto the scores, most of the field scrunched up close but runaway winners by 15, Hound! Flattered maybe by a couple of Jeopardy fails but that's the name of the game. £50 to kick things off in Dorking next week. Sayonara.


  1. Huzzah! For Hound. Pearl and noodles questions both prominent on BBC website yesterday. Makes good reading on a Friday lunchtime with a cold one in sunny Rabat, Malta. G-force

  2. Don't worry Agozza, I got the noodles one. However, imagine giving your loved one that as a pearl necklace!

  3. Trust good for later. Like to keep some powder dry for Dorking but see where we go with that.

  4. Not looking good for me. Suffering a severe bout of cervical spondylitis running down my neck and left arm. Intense burning sensation. Have fun everybody

  5. Trust good for later. Like to keep some powder dry for Dorking but see where we go with that.
