A typical Hound spotted earlier

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Hound For Glory

About time we had a Woody Guthrie reference in the title, actually a very good biography/biopic. Apology for the late posting of the blog, I have forgotten anything that wasn't noted down.

Pre match banter included but was not limited to, Gary Neville's evident incompetence, persian and kazakh rugs, the geography of Edinburgh, and autochthonous languages (well done spell check). Also, I manage to allow myself to become intimidated by an apparent new team at the next table. They came in dressed just like professional quizzers (you all know what I mean), and proceeded to pontificate loudly on a wide range of trivia and probably dungeons and dragons. Anyway, to cut a long short, come the start of the quiz they got up and walked out with no intention of taking part. I haven't ruled out it only being a recce mission, they may return with their full force at some future date or they just wanted a swift pint, you decide.

Picture round was all Julia's this week, we got 8, sadly my notes cover neither who we got wrong or indeed which fabulous guesses if any we made.

Good coverage on the current affairs, only two regarding traffic slowing measures and piscatorial digits missed. Correct answers included Lord Lucan, the Milk Tray man,  Boots, Liverpool, Frank Bruno and Matt le Blanc.

Science & Nature was up next, the round was most notable for a heated debate between myself and Daren as to which is the only bird with it's nostrils on the end of it's beak. He favoured flamingo, which I wasn't having, offering swan instead though without full conviction. It was of course a kiwi. Daren had distinguished himself earlier in the round getting ophidiophobia to be the fear of snakes. I had planned a witty anecdote at this stage but again can't recall it. The punchline was "Daren I like your snake, but not your  pink thing".  18 points collected, kiwi notwithstanding.

We got the connection on the 3rd question, we must have guessed 'Dad's Army' umpteen times before, this time it was right. Admittedly, I had briefly proposed 'Wombles', but I don't think that was really too far out. Nothing taxing in the 10 pointers and well placed for the second half.

The first round of the second half has caused consternation in the past (who could forget the UK airport codes debacle, and various crap top tens). Another to add to the could have been better category, 1st lines of plays! To be fair we only had to choose from 3 alternatives each time.  Daren proved that his Shakespeare is stronger than the rest of us, and I was pleased to spot an Ibsen work. Apparently we got 6 right.

All still to play for in the Connections round, made easier for us by knowing 9 with almost 100% assurance, but having no clue as to which fashion designer first designed a tuxedo for women. Nothing was really put forward for the tenth question, just a timid whispered suggestion that it could be Coco Chanel, so we left it blank. It wasn't, and even better the Anoraks went big putting Coco in the frame and losing all points on the round. Turned out to be Yves St Laurent. With a further 22 points they would have pipped us.

Steered the usual steady course through the music round, only missing the title of a Barry White track. No shame there, in fact quite the reverse.

50 notes bagged, and good to see Daren much perkier. Only need to tempt Kevster back now, looking forward to it already. 




  1. Fine bloggage. Strange having the same connection round two weeks straight though.

  2. One wonder which Barry White track it was...
