A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 29 January 2016

The Hound of Music

Nothing related to the quiz about this week's title, just my current moniker on quiz up. Isn't that just such a great app? No doubt the ads and subscriptions have to come in soon.

Steve, Graham and myself were there for 7.30. Daren had e-mailed something incoherant to the effect he may be incoherant later so we accepted we were probably going to be a threeball. Pre quiz chat covered a range of subjects, including celebs who've lost it, Felicity Kendal, Yasmine Bleethe and Claire from Steps featuring. The Hound is not image obsessed though, and frankly the 3 of us aren't going to sell many calendars so no pictures of them. What we do get a picture of is:

Who's that militant firebrand at the front stoking up hatred with her anarchist intentions and accurate punctuation? I wonder.

Onto the quiz itself and things kicked off with a bunch of doctors:

Not entirely sure of all their qualifications but there you go.
You'll see we provided answers other than the two redacted ones on the left. I think Graham intended this as a test for Daren's coherance as, against the odds, he'd arrived! Crippen and Holliday were duly supplied and he was allowed to join us.

Next up, current affairs and the ususl mixed bag. We'd didn't know the name of the storm battering the UK but did know Google's UK corporation tax bill and the toy making a comeback 50 years after its release (hint, they were rubbish then as well).

Onto TV & Film and Steve took the lead while the three of us played supporting hands. Next up connections and on those weeks where we try and guess the connection before Q1, ensemble TV shows often feature and fair to say that Dads Army has been suggested a few times. Well with answers like "House of Fraser" and "David Jones" for one and two, we couldn't go anywhere else.

Ten pointers and the Will Rogers Memorial highway  had to be Route 66, Graham must  know Nigeria's flag and who but Princess Anne won Olympic gold then had their wedding seen by millions? We'll come back to that.

Halftime and Daren left the three of us to it. Round 5 and it was link the catchphrase to the gameshow. Now going through them, it occured they nearly all sounded better in either a Yorkshire, or slightly camp accent. Maybe a camp Yorkshire accent would really hit the spot; does that exist? We got most of them.

Now, jeopardy and after last week's, lets go with indiscretions, we needed to tread carefully. There were a few questions there to test us as well viz.

- what does a dendrophobe fear?
- which Asian leader was assassinated two months after returning from exile in 2007?
- which hole at Augusta is Amen Corner?
- What animal characteristic is leporine?
- that does a marigraph measure?

Not really bear traps but, to us anyway, tricky questions. We steered a course through, I think aiming for about 7.

Music was fun and we actually tied the round on the chocolates on the last UK general election not on a Thursday.

Dark rumours were circulating though about the ten pointers. I give you:


And also


On the upside, criteria to win SPOTY  have certainly been upped since the 70s. Anne managed it on the basis of winning a European equestrian title; these days you can be heavyweight champion of the world, upset a few minorities and still not make the podium.

Well, we had 10 points to make up from somewhere, no Anoraks these week but the accursed Johnny and the Moondogs weren't going to let that slip and we were second by five. Bah again.

Those Jeopardy answers

Trees - we put it
Benazir Bhutto, we thought it was but weren't sure
Actually 11 through 13, one hole was enough, we put 12.
Harelike, we didn't know
Something to do with the sea, again, we didn't know

'Til next week...


  1. Apologies in advance, couldn't get the keypad in Cyrillic

  2. Hmmmm, I may actually have been some assistance in some of the above - I could've told you P. Anne didn't win an Olympic medal and I like to think I knew the leporine/hare connection, although I would have rioted over the notion that a single hole can constitute the corner of a golf course...

  3. Of course you'd be of assistance, that's the whole point. In our defence we didn't have long on the Anne question and did clarify the Amen Corner point.

  4. That'd be Janet Freestone and her magnificent militant tendencies...
