A typical Hound spotted earlier

Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Three MuskaHounds (no Dogtanian)

Thursday 21st August 2014 (Posted on behalf of the Green Hound) 2 Hounds (Daren and Steve) lead the charge by arriving at the Purley Arms at the alloted hour of 7pm. A number of conversations involving football, Grand Prix and holidays ensued, only interrupted by the quiz master arriving. Due to unforeseen (sadly) circumstances the usual quiz master team was deputised to a local and not unfamiliar, team who had stepped in before to run the quiz. Glasses raised to the last minute stand in. Approaching 8:30pm, Robson arrived to finalise the trio for tonight's Hound representation, following his earlier cricket endeavours.

So to the quiz: First round, as usual, the picture round. A set of Lord of the Rings characters was thrust under our noses, it took a little chiveying of the quiz masters to determine whether character or actor was required. Needless to say given the breadth of film and Tv knowledge within the team it mattered not. Actors it was and a clean sweep ensued. Round 2: Current affairs The "news" questions as has been the case recently was like football transfer news on deadline day through Harry Redknapp's car window. That is to say it was nothing any person who reads the broadsheets cares to have heard of. That said I think we did OK with a bizarre question regarding Post-Its correctly answered. Round 3: IHGAC (request what this means) A well answered round with questions on Who took an arrow in the eye in 1066, who lead elephants across the alps and Guinevere's lover. Only fail was which SP did Walter Hunt invent in 1847. Safety pin being the answer!? So on to the connections round (round 4) A bizarre round this with our connection being determined after Q2. 1st question - What is the stone representing 55 years of married bliss (Good luck) - Emerald 2nd question - Which detective TV series featured Kate Jackson and Bruce Boxleitner as the main protagonists (Note: the quiz masters probably dont even know that word but let's not be elitist). Answers on a postcard please. We got it right but why should we help you?

Obviously, we derived the connection being the Wizard of Oz, but failed to answer the pirate born in Wales. Dialogue around this threw out Blackbeard (Edward Teach from Bristol) but it was Henry Morgan. 10 pointers What does Regis mean. After some discussion and insistence by Daren that it meant King we put Royal. It was King. My notes are shite for Q2 but we got that. Q3 Who sang Ebeneezer Good which was obv. the Shamen. 2 from 3 then and very ambivalent considering the previous hat-trick of wins it went to the break. Following a number of interval drinks and, even referring to my notes, this is where I will start to be brief. Round 5: Top 10 boys names Again an annoyingly arbitrary round where it depends on when the survery was taken. Did ok with 7 or 8 I fail to remember, James and Charles were in there somewhere. Round 6: Jeopardy Although we dropped 10 in the 10 pointers, decided to play only those we were confident on. Answered 7 comfortably. One for Az, where do the words "Kiosk", "Tulip" and "Caviar" originate. Round 7/8: Music A reasonable show, with 85% answered, no real WTF tunes so just down to misguided answering, Result: Hound finished 3rd by 1 pt with 127 pts from 2nd with 128 pts. 1st were worthy winners with 139 pts. Gloves are off next time as, it would have been bad form to win 4 on the trot, but that sequence has now been broken.

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