A typical Hound spotted earlier

Saturday 9 August 2014

Peter Hound

Straight in this week with subjects ncluding:

Kim Jong Il - No discussion of this fella is complete without mention of his golf prowess which included a low round of 33 on his golfing debut, even better than I've made as Natalie Gulbis on the Wii.

Pigs on the battlefield - a more disturbing one this, with one of the questions being whether the pigs were turned out there or collectively found their own ways. This prompted strange Animal Farm images to me of pigs, dressed in overcoats boarding trains, "return to the Somme please", copies of the Times clutched in trotters sitting peacefully before gorging themselves on human flesh. Really?

Hound Acca - we all had a punt at the big five tournaments this football season with potential returns varying from a paltry £7,000 for myself to a net-busting £45,000 for Graham. Kevster took the bets, hopefully if one of us wins he'll tell us but if he shows up at a quiz next May in a load of new clobber, I'm going to be suspicious.

Monty at -1 - nothing much to add other than well played Monty.

Not discussed included the escalation of violence in Gaza, outbreaks of Ebola and the refugee crisis in Northern Iraq. No GFC here.

The world having suitably been put to rights we entered the pub and flexed our cerebral muscles ready for the quiz. Unfortunately the regular quizmistress Siobhan was still away so the sub, I'll call him Tony, handed out the sheets. Sometime around that time, we witnessed a sight slightly rarer than a unicorn being pulled off by a mermaid, Pete showed up! Regular readers may wonder who this character is, and I don't think Daren was entirely sure, but good to have him back. Tony was similarly perplexed and scuttled off to rewrite the quiz.

The quiz, right. Round 1 - superheroes. I didn't even look at this, they all look the same to me anyway. Think Steve got them on his own.

Round 2 - current affairs. This seemed a random collection of obscure stories dragged out of low grade newspapers and websites. We did terribly, didn't really mind.

Round 3 - red or blue. The answers, or questions were red, or blue, or shades of either. Most were red.

Round 4 - connections. It was the England 66 team. Not a difficult connection but a decent round from Tony I thought.

10 pointers - can't remember any of them.

Half time and we took stock, or more accurately Wotsits.

The top 10 was the longest running shows since the war in London. Now taking in a show would hold as much appeal to me as a bout of diarrhoea but we had "King Of Musicals" in our ranks! As such a potentially tough round was comfortably dispatched.

The jeopardy round was too tough to contemplate going for, the music round was fun though. We pretty much smashed it out the park.

Result, Hound win. Possibly a slightly under strength field we were up against but you have to take it. Holiday season coming up for the Hound so could be a barren spell.


  1. TQSR out for your delectation and critical review.

  2. The Hound's footy predictions are now added as an image to the foot of all blog pages...
