A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 21 March 2014

Contiguous Wotsits

We were all there, - apart from Peterkins who was apparently schmoozing lottery multi millionaire Neil Trotter . This , unsurprisingly turned up later as one of the Current Affairs questions (Trotter not Peterkins).  Apparently Kevster's friend had a fight with Mr Trotter some years ago at school. I'm still not sure how I feel about this as it wasn't clear what the fight was about or indeed who won.

On with the quiz ( no pre-match meals reported ) and it being budget week the picture round was all ex chancellors. This round was not beyond the wit of Hound.

Current Affairs was fairly straightforward too with only the name of some tv award winning actress (Olivia Coleman) eluding us.

Johnny Walker

'Seconds' was the cunning premise of the next round. Who or what was/is the second to......? Second largest U.S State? Second Dr Who? You get the gist. After some major deliberation we agreed with Robson and settled on the Atlantic being the second largest ocean ahead of the Indian  (1. Pacific 155m sq km  2. Atlantic 29m  3. Indian 26m ) .

The connections round proved to be somewhat controversial as the connection was so easy that we tried to read too much into it. The connection was English towns but our wild hypothesising on possible connections led us up some very queer alleys. Graham even put forward Peter Borough as being the actor who played Henry viii in  a film. Remarkable stuff. Well done to Steve for his Epsom salts being magnesium sulphate.

"Stabbed in the arse"

Big 10 pointers = 2 out of 3, glossophobia getting the better of us, I'm afraid to say.

'Human dog'

After supping up more ale and smoking tabs  it was on with the second part of the quiz

We did surprisingly well in the top 10, it being Breakfast Cereals. Sad to say that between the five of us we didn't manage to get our oats.

Jeopardy round proved to be very jeopordacious and we swerved a lot of answers including the liver being the largest internal organ. It certainly is on a Thursday night.

Daren doesn't like Boogie but Kevster likes boogie boards

After all this brouhaha the music round  was somewhat relaxing. Apparently Chuck E's in love. Who knew? Graham apparently.

The chocolate box question was how many la la's were in some Spanish Eurovision song entitled la la la. Somehow we guessed within 8, the correct answer being 126.

So the Hound romped to another domestic double of  the chocolate and £50  ( donated to sport relief)  and the last thing I remember was being carried around the pub on people's shoulders with the crowd chanting "Hound, Hound, HOUND"


  1. Fair play as well to the geezer who runs the quiz sometimes to say the Hound are always welcome due to their excessive drinking habits and propensity to be last òut the pub (my words). Nice to hear.

  2. Gorgeously unnecessary accent on 'out' Robson...
    *prostrates self*
