A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 21 March 2014

Contiguous Wotsits

We were all there, - apart from Peterkins who was apparently schmoozing lottery multi millionaire Neil Trotter . This , unsurprisingly turned up later as one of the Current Affairs questions (Trotter not Peterkins).  Apparently Kevster's friend had a fight with Mr Trotter some years ago at school. I'm still not sure how I feel about this as it wasn't clear what the fight was about or indeed who won.

On with the quiz ( no pre-match meals reported ) and it being budget week the picture round was all ex chancellors. This round was not beyond the wit of Hound.

Current Affairs was fairly straightforward too with only the name of some tv award winning actress (Olivia Coleman) eluding us.

Johnny Walker

'Seconds' was the cunning premise of the next round. Who or what was/is the second to......? Second largest U.S State? Second Dr Who? You get the gist. After some major deliberation we agreed with Robson and settled on the Atlantic being the second largest ocean ahead of the Indian  (1. Pacific 155m sq km  2. Atlantic 29m  3. Indian 26m ) .

The connections round proved to be somewhat controversial as the connection was so easy that we tried to read too much into it. The connection was English towns but our wild hypothesising on possible connections led us up some very queer alleys. Graham even put forward Peter Borough as being the actor who played Henry viii in  a film. Remarkable stuff. Well done to Steve for his Epsom salts being magnesium sulphate.

"Stabbed in the arse"

Big 10 pointers = 2 out of 3, glossophobia getting the better of us, I'm afraid to say.

'Human dog'

After supping up more ale and smoking tabs  it was on with the second part of the quiz

We did surprisingly well in the top 10, it being Breakfast Cereals. Sad to say that between the five of us we didn't manage to get our oats.

Jeopardy round proved to be very jeopordacious and we swerved a lot of answers including the liver being the largest internal organ. It certainly is on a Thursday night.

Daren doesn't like Boogie but Kevster likes boogie boards

After all this brouhaha the music round  was somewhat relaxing. Apparently Chuck E's in love. Who knew? Graham apparently.

The chocolate box question was how many la la's were in some Spanish Eurovision song entitled la la la. Somehow we guessed within 8, the correct answer being 126.

So the Hound romped to another domestic double of  the chocolate and £50  ( donated to sport relief)  and the last thing I remember was being carried around the pub on people's shoulders with the crowd chanting "Hound, Hound, HOUND"

Monday 17 March 2014

Horses and Hound

Thursday 13th March
Purley Arms

In the week of the magnificent Cheltenham Festival it was the Hounds, not the horses, that were falling like flies.  Lord Peterkins of Fathershire was on Shirely duties; Daren had spent the afternoon with Robson Hound waging war on the bookmakers from the comfort of the Smugglers Inn and, with an early start the following morning for a romantic weekend away with Mrs Bear in Rome lined up, had decided that was quite enough.  And with Steve also otherwise committed The Hound was down to two fit 'runners' with the handicap of carrying twelve stone of alcohol sodden Robson.

Once again, thank the merciful heavens, we were spared pictures on the opening round - instead being given the ten following 'equations' ("24 H in a D", being 24 hours in a day - that type of thing)...

- 18 H on a GC
- 3 B M
- 100 C in a E
- 6 B to an O in C
- 13 is U F S
- 3 W on a T
- 8 T on a O
- 15 P in a R T
- 13 S on the U S F
- 66 B of the B

... none of which gave the slightest problem and the Hound were over the first and setting a good pace.

The following rounds threw up the anticipated question about the rise in prescription charges but left well alone the anticipated subject of the recently late Bob Crowe (got to be a cheap gag in there somewhere but I'm damned if I can quite put my finger on it...).  Having been given their names we correctly identified the four ghosts from PacMan but failed to get Donald Duck's middle name.  We also failed to correctly identify the building found at SW1A 2AA, the name of the original dish brought back from India by the British whose name translates as 'pepper water', what an autophobe is scared of, the two countries to feature city called Tripoli, the tube line with the most stations AND the oldest football club in London.  In amongst all the failure though we got a few right and managed to nail the fact they were all types of cake fairly early on in the connection round - 'frog cake' anyone...?!?

The top ten this week was another spurious affair - literally just given to us as 'top ten pets' - despite the vagueness of the question and the amusing but interminable debates that ensued we correctly identified seven...*

And we closed out on a decent music round that included Level 42, Soft Cell, Ultravox and Christina Perry.

The 'bag of minstrels' was up for grabs to whoever got closest to the year that Madame Tussauds opened - but we were, from memory, out by some margin.

All that was good however for a total of 120 - our lowest in recent weeks - and that total was good enough to see us win by several lengths and secure another £50 for Steve's spreadsheet.

I rounded off the evening by getting slightly confused on the journey home, getting off the bus at the wrong stop, walking for ages, getting a train and eventually taking home one of the finest chicken kebabs known to man.

See you Thursday if you're able to make it...


* Fish, cat, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, birds, domestic fowl, reptiles, horses/ponies

Friday 7 March 2014

Film Hound

Cripes, its a while since I've done this but here goes. Back in the day, the TQSR kicked off with details of pre-quiz meals. Well, mine was largely a combination of red wine and Peroni as I took advantage of a retirement bash in L&G towers which doesn't quite explain what followed but I was more addled than usual.

There was some chicken in there as well. Getting there, Graham, Steve, Daren and Kevster were all in situ and raring to go. Things kicked off with an Oscar theme, the film awards rather than Pistorius or it would have been a short quiz. 15 Johnny Depp pictures represented the first round. Now, while I wouldn't describe myself as a fan, hasn't that lad knocked out a fine body of work? The tendancy is towards the Gothic but I don't see that as a bad thing. While Steve rattled out most of the answers, I unsuccessfully tried to recall the film where he was a drugged up detective in Victorian London; turned out to be "From Hell". Didn't feature, good film though.

More rounds followed, the connection was nautical and the top 10 was more films.The Wipeout round was riproaringly difficult, think we got 4 but that seems to help us as punting for 10 is out the question. Around this point it started to get a bit toxic as the prequiz meal worked through my system. Daren may disagree but I think that actually helped focus our efforts, we won by loads. Strange that, we hadn't sparkled on the 10 pointers and I wouldn't say our performance was more than workmanlike. Still, we got the job done. Post quiz we talked about Cheltenham plans, I can't remember them though, by then I was very very drunk.

Monday 3 March 2014

'Brand' new quiz post shocker...

27th February 2014
Venue - The Purley Arms

Well, it's back - who knows for how long and yes, it is legitimate to wonder whether its return is for the best, but back it flipping well is so remember your old coping mechanisms and plough straight on...

The Hound is a much changed beast since last this blog was being regularly updated - there have been births (congratulations to all concerned), no deaths or marriages (congratulations all round), a divorce (congratulations to me), two 'new', regular, Hounds (congratulations to all concerned), several beer-sodden Hound events (commiserations to all involved) and countless quizzes participated in with an overall level of success that suggests that as a Championship football team we'd be play-off certainties eyeing up one of the two automatic promotion places.  If that makes sense.  And, to be honest - having read it back, I'm not entirely sure it does...

Whatever - the point is that it's been a long time since this blog was last updated but The Hound hasn't been euthanised.  Far, indeed, from it in fact so...

The Hound gathered in its current favourite kennel in good time for the traditional couple of nerve settlers - apologies at this stage but being somewhat 'out-of-the-habit' I've completely forgotten to investigate the pre-match meal regime *flogs self*... In terms of personnel The Hound was one regular Hound short - Daren having some sort of work commitment the following morning which for some reason left him feeling unable to drink very heavily the evening before (one can only suggest that now The Blog is back that sort of limp-wristed, career-before-Hounding, nonsense will be nipped in the bud...).  But the otherwise regular contingent, gloriously swelled by the already shattered but still-visibly-glowing-after-recent-events personage of Lord Peterkins of Fatherhood, were pumped and primed.

The first round is usually some sort of picture based thing but this week wasn't.  Instead all the vowels and 'spaces' had been removed from the titles of ten TV shows...


...  (I was dreadfully poor at this and only when I'd given up completely noticed that the title at the top of the page gave the major hint that they were all Sitcoms...!)

Anyway, no matter - The Hound got all ten correct.  We got 50% wrong in the following round but rallied with 90% in round three.  85% of round three was conquered and all three of the ten point bonus questions were (relatively easily and confidently) correctly answered.

Thereafter is increasingly blurred but I did manage to rescue the details of the Top Ten round - name the UK's Top Ten 'Brands'?

We went with;
Coca Cola, Apple, Nike, McDonalds, Microsoft, Samsung, Toyota, Google, Facebook and BP.

We got 3 right.*

Thereafter we got 70% and 80% respectively on the closing rounds and ended with a creditable score of 128 which was good enough to place us well clear of third place but well behind the evening's winners.

AND we missed out on the family bag of Minstrels by a relatively huge margin albeit that I've completely forgotten what the question was...  Hey-ho.

So the blog restarts with a loss.  It would be shallow, bordering on pathetic, to point out to readers that The Hound had gone into the above quiz having not lost for five straight weeks - and given that I'm neither shallow nor pathetic we shall see no such thing mentioned here.

Until next week - keep hounding around...

* BA, Rolex, Coca Cola, BBC, Heinz, M&S, Google, Gillette, Kellogs, BMW
(Any/all questions as to the measures/indices/logic by which these were established as being the UK's biggest brands should be kept to yourself 'cos I simply don't know.  Rolex?!  Pffffff....)


The Hound - off the leash and on the lash...

On the 18th May 2012 The Hound went temporarily off the rails.  Several times in fact.

Off the rails, into the pub - out of the pub, back onto the rails and repeat.

Here is the story of that day...

"... where were you at Stalybridge? (Sta-ly-briiiiiiidge) Where were you at Stalybridge?"