A typical Hound spotted earlier

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Commando Hound

Quick mention of quiz on 25 October. I was supposedy to be blogging but neglected to do so. Only sure of 1 thing, we didn’t win. Great effort by Lady and the Tramp in the Jeopardy round if I remember correctly. This may have been the Picture Round rotated by 90 degrees.

Onto this week’s quiz. This was the Picture Round, normal orientation.

Character names required. Didn’t do awfully well, maybe should of got Annie Wilks for the last one.

My notes don’t allow much more elaboration. At least not until the ten pointers. Gerry correctly named Sputnik as Earth’s first artificial satellite, but was voted down in favour of Telstar by myself and D2. Robin arrived on the scene, hot from playing Bridge in Coulsdon, and would have sided with Gerry so who knows what might have been.

Anyway, fast forward to the Jeopardy round and everybody but the Anoraks is going for it. A good effort but we didn’t know that Sachet Torte has a layer of Apricot jam in it.

Seems like even the Anoraks blew this round, although we managed double jeopardy by also getting another question wrong. Apparently as well as an overfilled sandwich a Sloppy Joe is also a sweater which was the garment of choice for US women during the war, or that bit of it that they bothered turning up for anyway.

A good turnout this week and all scores bunched in the 110 - 130 region. No Robson again next week, so extra manpower welcome.

No curry this time, instead pizza and red wine from the bottle in Purley’s only 2am food joint. 

And finally this week’s title is a nod to a gym/swimming baths mix-up which led to one of our number apparently going sans boxers/briefs. The same person slipped off to the loos at one point with a little pot contains Charlie in some form or other. Just another Thursday evening In the PA that has seen Irish waltzing and a punter circumnavigating the inside of the pub on a bicycle recently. 



  1. Fine blog and email received. Does the blog title refer to any of the participants?

  2. At least on3 of the participants

  3. My money's on Peterkins.
