A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 2 June 2017

Boisterous Hound

Firstly, all the best to regular quiz-mistress Siobhan, struck down with a yet unknown ailment. In her place, "Brother" Louie brought his own brand of running proceedings to the night. Steve and G-Force were off on European holidays, if they were looking for better weather, they'd have done well to find it as a glorious day. Boost up some of those slacking Euro cousins on the blog stats guys.

Right, almost inevitably with Louie we kick off with something Disney like or that sort of thing. This week, cartoon characters e.g.

Green Lantern. Daren picked up this particular ball and took it pretty much to the end zone.

Next up, a not too challenging general knowledge round. No point looking for hidden demons here, the first commercial monorail was indeed Japan and the J in JRR Tolkien stands for John. Next up, names of dogs. Names note, rather than breeds so the dogs in Oliver Twist, Blue Peter, Famous 5 etc. We wouldn't really be doing justice to the team name if we didn't get ten here.

Timmy the dog. I've always pictured him as a golden lab but how wrong can you be?

Louie continued to mess with our heads by making Food and Drink round 4. Not too much around the ears here and I think another ten, our old friend the Harvey Wallbanger making an appearance. He did stick to form with the ten pointers though, the only one really vexing us being the Queen's job in WWII. We'd put ambulance driver, t'internet says truck driver but I think this is pretty conclusive. Think any sort of driver got the points.


The next round was the connections. Well, they were clearly all films but what links Blade, Austin Powers, Alien, Naked Gun.... They all spawned trilogies, credit again to D2 for that one.

The jeopardy required some careful treading and that's what it got from us. 41 in Roman Numerals, the official language of Iran and a definition of conchology? I think with a gun to our collective heads we get them all but enough doubt existed for discretion to prevail.

Can't remember much of the music, oh, I'll throw this picture in for Graham to try and name?

And that gents, was that. Outcome? A win by a cosy ten points or so, the jeopardy proving beyond everybody (Note to all, I picked up the £50 and will probably spend it at the races today so don't let me get away with that).

Those answers? XLI, Persian and the study of shells. But you knew that.



  1. Astonished re the Roman numerals inadequency. Wouldn't have dodged any of those three personally, though Farsi also spoken in Iran.

    Good win. Haven't got the singer yet though I think I may have seen him on totp2. In my mind he is about 5ft 3in and sings northern songs. Give me 24 hours to consider.


  2. In the cold light of day and sober these answers look more obvious but 5 or 6 pints in and under the steely glare of Quizmaster Louie, the jitters set in.

  3. Fair point. What exactly was the boisterousness if I may enquire? Also, have given up on the mystery singer photo.


  4. Singer is "Harpo". Not the easiest I'll grant you, played his song which we got but no clue on him.
    Boisterous was a random word really to get it up the Google listings, sad I know.

  5. Who is quizzing tomorrow? I have received a very late offer to a 50th birthday booze-up in London. Inclined to go unless it means we can't field a team.


  6. Ok, The London drinks start fairly early so I am planning to do both. I'm coming from Farringdon so need to change at E Croydon. Expect to be there no later than 9.00.

    So don't join another team if you start on your own, I plan to be there.


  7. Sorry,something's come up so I won't make it

  8. No worries, happy to hold the fort until the cavalry arrive.

  9. Yes, sorry, it's not even a better offer
