A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 24 March 2017

Hot off the press Hound

What a terrible week, "the humanity! the humanity!  '. I lost a toenail and Robson spent most of Wednesday escaping from his eiderdown.

The rest of this tale , if you are sitting gently, will be told with the aid of autocorrect and the letters D and S

Round One - Landmarks, surprisingly we'd only been to 2 out of ten of them each but recognition  was enough for full points.

Then it went mental;. Face recognition in Chinese bogs? Winklepickers and the noise clogs make? Did Leonard Cohen teach us nothing? ( the last was not an actual question).. A good shout on Hungary banning Heineken and we all moved on making our Klumpen noise in the shoes round. Ugg is not the name for Eskimo boots. Note for future selves, it's always Asda if in doubt.

And so we continued down the rabbit hole; A pint arrived that said "drink me" so I did .

Connections- fluke, Turin shroud, Tony hatch and Moonraker lead us to nautical terms . 10/10

And so the Vallaint four took on the Ten Pointers ; Bruce Willis, Trevor Francis and Lionel Richie. Fuck 'em all I say. (Not in one day, might take it out of you). This left the Hound feeling confident at the half way point.

So, here we took a break and then settled in for the second half

Connections took us from Beirut to nit-comb via the exotic, a well travelled route.

The Jeopardy round started out deceptively tame but descended into farce with the question 'Name one of Adele's two number one singles'. Graham claimed to have never heard 'Hello' which lead to Steve, Robin and myself trying to offer renditions of this ballad sotto vocce in order not to alert the other teams (as if they didn't already know the answer).
Steve: Hello...
Graham: Hello?
Robin: .....from the other side
Daren: the scousers?
Robin: Hello
Graham: Hello?
Graham: impacted waxy eardrum

We did manage to swerve some nasty bear traps so all was well with team Hound.

The music round passed me by with nothing of note

No, seriously ladies and gentlemen , we won. Only 3 teams but we won

This is probably a very poor representation of the night but I like to see myself as a Monet, giving impression through shining light in equal measures as shadow in order to see the whole. You are entitled to see it as bollocks.

This year's Hound Maundy Thursday, on 13th April, will be a jaunt to Hastings for mini golf and fish and chips on the beach, all washed down with copious amounts of alcohol. The 'Houndwarts' express leaves from east Croydon at about 10:00 am. More details available upon request.


  1. Insightful, thought provoking and just a little bit melancholic. This week's blog was none of those.

  2. New chapter added which I think sums it all up

  3. Blogger's prerogative to get things wrong but I'd been to 4, Petra, Niagara, Athens & Pisa. Excellent evening and as a reminder to self Iou £13 change from taxi fare.

