A typical Hound spotted earlier

Sunday 5 February 2017

Nifty Fifty Complementary Round Hound

Bridge from noon, female guests, party balloons, cake, massive mastiffs, wine beer and general hilarity. Bridge related tea mugs, and a rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock t-shirt amongst the gifts.  All this and more at the Ramblers Rest. See facebook etc. for pictorial evidence. Crucially, two regulars unable to attend the early festivities, a master stroke in terms of much needed sobriety later on.

Image result for big bang theory rock paper scissors t-shirt

A cab to the PA, one balloon almost escaping to the atmosphere, road traffic accident also narrowly avoided.

A good turn out at the quiz for Robson's 50th, with the balloons doing an excellent job of informing anyone who didn't already know. Siobhan has baked some tasty biscuits, and produces what is now known as The Hound Sloe Gin. Also in the house is the new publican, a genial seeming Irish fella who buys the team one on the house. All ina all, an excellent start.

Picture Round is made up of Aves. A dogged performance by the Birdman of Sutton elucidates that a fair degree of preciseness is required for the answers, at the end of the evening this appeared to have been crucial to our narrow victory (I really need to work at sustaining a bit of suspense throughout the blog, don't I).

E.g. 'Mute Swan' and 'Barn Owl', not just swan and owl, needed to get the points. I get the impression that Kevster could have detailed their natural habitats, migrating patterns, and the colour of their eggs had it been necessary. Good to see the 'American Coot' getting a look-in, so often a much overlooked bird. FULL MARKS.
80% on the current affairs round maintaining recent more impressive performances. A Nigerian man with 86 wives died aged 93, allegedly leaving 203 progeny. We didn't get that, nor did we remember UK's X-factor related Eurovision contender, Lucie Jones. Round 3 is 'Entertainment' and another 80%er. Dr Zhivago's 'Lara's Theme' was composed by Maurice Jarre, and 'Lights' was the 2010 debut album of Ellie Goulding.  
Image result for nigerian man 83 wives 203 children
At some stage in the proceedings, Pete turned up and Daren left. A late cancellation could lead to the latter going under the knife on Friday, hope that went well if it went at all.
Got the 9 answers for the connection round correct, but not the connection which was that they have all written books. We said that they were all anti-Trump, not much better than the perennial todays birthdays answer for ones that we don't know, in fact probably worse. 
Full marks for the chain letters but had to work a bit hard for some. Nobody was getting the Jeopardy bonus this week, we dodged four. Deglutition means swallowing, Twister has 24 circles, Tory Party had the most 20th Century Prime Ministers, and Geri Halliwell was probably the answer to the Spice Girl's question. We missed something in the music round for a change, but hung on for a 2 point victory over the team whose name I can never remember even when I scribble something down as was the case this time. A truly Ornithological triumph.
For completeness, I have safe custody of the Hound Sloe Gin, we should consider when it should be cracked open, and what if anything to mix it with. I also have the quiz winnings, not sure why they didn't get passed to Steve. Events for March include Julie/Debbie's Cub Pack's Saturday quiz, and of course Gold Cup day at The Smugglers.


  1. Thursday's blog now up and running. Graham

  2. A marvellous day. Well played to those who answered some questions.
