A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 27 January 2017

Downward-Facing Hound

So the pressure was on. Could the Hound land the title for an unprecedented four weeks running? Early prospects were good, the Anoraks were nowhere to be seen so maybe an easier filed to conquer? Before we go any further though, salut et allez les bleus to our growing French readership. It seems the Russians have dipped out but our international presence remains.

Very Gallic-centred.

So onto the quiz. A more Hound-friendly picture round than some, with pictures of famous English landmarks. The only one we didn't get was this?

Kevster might know it? Quite a dramatic picture eh? It wasn't

That's for sure.

Round 2 was the usual stuff. At this point, there's one country in the world with all five vowels in its name only once. Anyone? Oddly Equatorial Guinea almost has them twice.

In walked a Staffie/Malamute cross at this point. Siobhan appeared rather nervous of it, but she was a delightful thing, something like:

Ignore the hippy with it.

Not sure what round 3 was. Who on earth has sugar on French toast though for Pete's sake? Probably an American thing but really?

Round 4, connections. One of those where we got most of the answers but wrestled with the actual connection. One we couldn't get was "Who was the original sweater girl?" And you know what, after extensive searches, this is the best I can do. Lana Turner.

Turns out they'd all had multiple marriages, Martin Scorsese, Kenny Rogers, Jerry Lee etc. Lana managed 8!

Ten Pointers, two from three here. Corn based snacks included Monster Munch, very under-rated.

For once link-ups foxed us. Who ruled Kent from 589 to 616 AD? What is Saint Cecilia patron saint of? Nope, me neither.

Jeopardy and it was a cautious ten. We weren't sure what oology was all about, but we went for it. And in a strange twist we actually bagged the minstrels, on the nose! But can't remember exactly what for?

So had we done enough? Well oology was indeed the study of eggs, or birds eggs anyway. But Charles and Di got married in St Pauls and not Westminster Abbey, so a resounding no on that one. On the subject, I was off school for that and Daren wasn't. Though it was on the 29th July so wouldn't we all be off school anyway? Maybe a local authority thing? Not that I watched much of it.

So onto important business, a landmark birthday for one of our number next week, drinks start at around 2pm in the Ramblers Rest, Chipstead. There you go.


  1. Per the above, drinks from 2pm at the Ramblers next week. Especially for you Frenchies.

  2. Luverly stuff.
    The minstrels question was something like number of years between England winning the football and rugby world cups

  3. Nice one. Minstrels were for Neil Armstrong (1969) less Wright Brothers (1903) makes 66. Although wedding was clearly during school holidays I was still required to collect the oos because the women wouldn't.
