A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 23 September 2016

SlaughteredHound Five

Rule 1 of quiz blogging, look after your notes and they will look after you. Unfortunately bits of paper were passed around when trying to get the last few anagrams and not all of them made their way back to me.

A strong line-up, boosted by an all too rare appearance from K. No S (apologies received) but debutant N deputising ably. Furious banterage pre match from memory covered Brad and Angelina's post nuptial shenanigans, D boarding a plane with high denomination currency notes secreted in various places about his person, sympathy for those whose academic futures may lie partially in the hands of G and R, and CJ from eggheads and Jeremy Corbyn may possibly have been in some way responsible for 1 death each.

Louis running the quiz this week, so the usual structure can't be wholly relied upon. A Disney round however can be relied upon, honestly how many more Disney villains are there? At least we got it out of the way up front.

5 max scored and only then if we got away with King John for Prince John. The ones we didn't get were;

1.  Jafar from Aladdin.
3.  Stromboli from Pinnochio
4.  Hercules from Hades.
9.  Ratigan from Basil the Great Mouse Detective
10.Ursula from The Little Mermaid (on reverse of sheet so not shown above).

Second round related to games. Sam is the name of the patient in Operation, think we got most of the rest covering Monopoly, Cluedo, Trivial Pursuit, Twister etc.

Connections round brought forward to Round 3, full marks scored with R being the first to get the San/St connection. K's early suggestion that none of the people featured show even the most basic level of likeability also turned out to be uncannily close to the truth. Round 4 was nominally entitled General Knowledge, but turned out to be largely geography based, fine by us. 3 ten pointers bagged to complete a good first half comeback.

For the record sizes of European countries (sq mi) as follows;

Germany - 137,847
Ukraine - 223,013 (without Crimea)
France - 210,026

A bit confusing, can't remember the exact wording of Louis' question, but he gave France as the answer.

Louis likes to mark during the half time break so gave us the first second half round to work on. Twenty anagrams of famous male actors. We made 19 pretty evenly split between the five of us, not all easily. Only CEASING COAL defeated us.     

The Anoraks went gung-ho on the Jeopardy Round and got their reward as we had to settle for second place. We left three out, all of which we did guess correct, but not with enough confidence/back-up to write them down. Hit and Miss was the Juke Box Jury theme, Vodka, Galliano & Orange Juice is a Harvey Wallbanger, and there are 9 gallons in a Firkin. Personally, I have recently blamed my lack of sobriety for underperformance in this round, querying whether or not it could feature a bit earler. Not on this occasion though, I think that that point was reached during the Picture Round.

Music described as 'Eighties Rock'. Way too easy.

CEASING COAL - NICOLAS CAGE. It seemed to be the lack of an H in his Christian name that made this one so hard.

That's about it. An invite to Robson Towers is extended to all for the last day of the Ryder Cup on Sunday, 2 October. RSVP by email or text.






  1. I think academic futures may well be better placed with Guns and Roses. Look forward to the Ryder Cup, may even provide Harvey Wallbangers.

  2. On way back to Surrey, good for later, let me know what time works.

  3. Should be good for 7.00. Question for Daren - are you familiar with the work of Tom Odell?

