A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 8 July 2016

A Hound For All Seasons

Another Thursday. Double handed again, Kevster at a funeral, Daren on Greece's largest and southernmost island, a fact that would come in useful later on, and Steve foiled by Southern Rail.

First up would be game show pictures.

From the outset it looked like a 7, in fact it was an 8, with three and five foiling us.

On the current affairs it was pleasing to know that it was Kieran Fallon who retired, Nigel Farage's resignation words and that Serena Williams is the serial towel thief. Incidentally my tablet auto corrects Nigel's surname to "Garbage". Make of that what you will.

Around now France got a pen that looked harsh on Germany but given Schweinsteiger was responsible, probably wasn't. The tablet gave up trying to correct Bastian's name.

Next, history. We flip-flopped between options for US president in 1945 and came out wrong. A sub-par round actually on what should have been a good subject, failing even to know the Berlin wall was erected in the 1960s. Is it just me, but I can't even read that without visions of poodle-haired Germans belting out "Wind Of Change"? Just me then.

Connections and I think we got every answer but failed utterly on the connection. Bob De Niro, Piers Morgan, Heather Mills, Benny from Abba to name but four. Knowing one of them was a twin, we extrapolated this to nine. Even five minutes half time googling was unsuccessful.

Ten pointers and working out which Thunderbirds character was called Aloysius was the blind leading the blind, given we'd both watched it about once. Spewing out everything we knew about Thunderbirds got us there and with some teamwork we were still in the game at halftime, a bit like Germany.

The link ups was satisfying and Siobhan has taken on Graham's suggestion of completing the link at Q10. Fitting something between St Petersburg and Lancelot which was an anchor failed us though.

Jeopardy and Daren's location would be useful here. Who Helen Porter Mitchell was better known as would have been even more so. With no prospect of double points and scarred by previous blowouts we maybe went a bit cautious, failing even to confirm Bucks Fizz's Eurovision year as 1981. Still, a safe six as they say on Countdown.

We've rarely done as badly on music, there were two of those Britpop bands Daren and Kevster know more about than us, one blanked us completely. Maybe 13/20 overall?

Can't remember nearest the pin other than it was Maltesers. Results? Hound joint second, nine points behind the Busters and given they had half the pub, pound for pound I think we beat them.

In other news there is a Hound tent! Next event, the Hound camping trip?

Pug agility for you. One thing I've learned, pugs are not agile.


  1. Written from the south coast today.

  2. Round 1 was 7 I'm afraid. We got no.10 wrong as well, it wasn't Gladiators, it was something to do with the top gear bloke. Connection was restaurant owners for anyone who cares. My britpop should have been good enough to get Gorillaz & Strokes. Wouldn't have taken much.

  3. Just while I'm on the case, hopefully if we do get a bumper turnout next week, good to get a date or two in the diary. Plumpton races is the 18th Sep this year which I think went down well last year, also good to get another summer outing in, maybe either London or something along the line into Tonbridge as Daren suggested a while back. Spend some of those funds.

  4. Trust we're quotate for tomorrow. I've got a runners bash in Croydon first so be along around 7.45.

  5. Sounds good. Peterkins mentioned he had a spare ticket for tomorrow night's T20 at the Oval if anyone interested.
