A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 13 May 2016

Intelligentsia Puppet Hound

Drinking Strongbow in the pub garden
Paint-splattered walls and the cry of a G-Force
That's Entertainment

Pre quiz discussions centred on the filthy state of Robsons sack and whether it would fall apart if he were to wash it. Kevster couldn't join us as he claimed that he would be on the job until 21:00.

Graham predicted that the Eurovision camp fest would figure highly and so it proved to be true. Round 1 was name the act,

We went for it big time and I believe in the end got 9/10 only missing out on number 8

On to the Current Affairs; BAFTA winner Wolf Hall, the transit of Mercury, Jesse Jackson discovering that Jean-Marie Le Pen is a bit right of centre followings lunch in Paris, yadda, yadda, yadda!

Next up was Books. A very loose title given that one of the questions was 'what colour are the 'dummy's guide to.....books?'
One of the answers was 'The Satanic Verses'  which very much put me in mind of the Hound Blog.
Steve gave an interesting discourse on the origins of Prometheus, a tale of eternal punishment where one's liver is attacked daily. Sound familiar to anyone?

Connections proved to be a bit of a bugger's muddle. 2 lots of 4 with a connection.
We got Wham, Brittania, John Smiths and Brittania and spectacularly went for Roy Lichstenstein.

Turns out we over thunk it and the simple answer was Football stadia.

For the second lot we missed the name of Hitler's favourite dog (Blondie) but having corrected the name of Rodin's masterpiece from the Thinker to the Kiss we were able to discern the link as being band names.

10 Pointers were dispatched following a long discussion concerning the routes of Roman roads. We finally agreed by a process of elimination that the Fosse Way runs from Exeter to Lincolm.

Feeling confident we'd bagged the 30 points we relaxed into the second half. Link ups were dispatched with nothing of note to mention.
Jeopardy was played conservatively.  We didn't know what creature is kept in a skep and guessed that no one else would (bees allegedly) and that made the task easier. We managed to step our way through without setting off any bear traps.

So then it was just the music round. Shine was by Aswad. Apart from that I think we were all ok.

Bonus question was ' how many sticks are there in Kerplunk?' I think it turned out to be 30 and was won by LATT.

Scores were in and The Hound triumphed by some 30 points. We supped up our beers and collected our vaporisers and that, ladies and gentlemen, is yer lot.


  1. Here it be. Can someone fix the pictures. They've had me proper vexed.

  2. Had a look but failed. By way of compensation, added a pic from my walk yesterday. Great to be back in winning form.

  3. Had a look but failed. By way of compensation, added a pic from my walk yesterday. Great to be back in winning form.
