A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 1 April 2016

Donald Trump Hound

Given pre quiz activities comprised a wander around Knole Park and an afternoon watching 20-20 cricket, it won't take much working out that it was Graham and myself at the quiz. Our first for two weeks after the Maundy shenanigans, absentees this week included long term rivals The Anoraks and also Siobhan, for whom "King" Louis would deputise. Diet Coke sales spiked though at the Purley Arms as Johnny and the Moondogs took their places.

Ok, first up:

Got that wrong, Kate and heir to Kate. Here we go:

Usual thing, say what you see. We didn't see 4 and 5 so 8/10.

Louis isn't bound by convention so advertising slogans would take the place of the usual current affairs. Good to have the change but a strong suit for neither of us. 6/10.

Food and drink next up. More like home turf though we failed to know a flagon contained two pints that that Germans drink more beer per capita than Czechs. The quizmasters word was final. 8/10.

Back on track with connections for Round 4. About half way in we settled on glasses/drinking vessels being the theme but failed to know who publishes the online English dictionary. 9/10.

Ten pointers, now I think we did well here so in their entirety:

- Ship named after a Scottish short undergarment
- Where would you most often read "standing on the shoulders of giants"
- What does HB stand for in the pencil world?

Back in the game. 3/3

The devastation wreaked on Chipstead by Storm Katie. Stopped me going to the races on Monday which was irksome.

Again, by way of another curve ball, Round 5 would be TV. Crazee. Trying to make up for lost time here (working, that sort of thing) but not easy to get it back. 6/10.

Onto Jeopardy and it would be a case of getting what we could. Some quiz favourites here, busiest single runway airport in world, only playing card King without a tache and the old inverted triangle. We steered a steady course 6/10.

Music would be all 70s. The team of youngsters looked ready to get their coats at this point. Louis did offer to sing them himself at which point we might have got our coats. Played it like Jason Roy against New Zealand. 20/20.

Scores, well we knew we'd be up against it but a decent 156 had us close third to JATM 162 and LATT 160. Old story, one more body and we'd have been there. Them's the breaks. Those 10 pointers:

- Cutty Sark
- £2 coin
- Hard Black

Somehow the photos have come out a bit odd. Hey ho.

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