A typical Hound spotted earlier

Friday 18 September 2015

Hound Soon Is Now?

Quorate by just after 6 pm, 5 hounds joined by two guest hounds, Mr S and Jane, great fun subsequently had by all.

Q: How do you make a Maltese Cross?

A: If you stretch the definition to include other Mediterranean islanders then trip him up on a flags question would seem to do the trick. As any schoolboy knows the whole island of Malta were awarded the George Cross after WWII leading to the medal itself being depicted on the Maltese flag. Well, I must of been off school when they pointed out that the medal has St George and a dragon on it. Daren guessed it to be fair, even if his logic wasn't 100% correct.

Two birthdays to report, Kevster becoming semi-obtuse before our very eyes, and Steve's coming up  at the weekend on the same day as my nephew. My nephew is getting a LEGO ninjago boulder blaster, Steve may have to settle for a pint at Plumpton races on Sunday. Kev was toasted with two rounds of variously coloured shorts, of the kind that one would normally associate with binging teenagers, purchased from our winnings (apologies for the result spoiler).

Being his birthday, Kevin naturally reminisced, regaling us with tales of lucky heather, god-squad dodging, naked protests and (it says here) hamster squeezes. Robson had problems with the size of his data and appeared quite pixilated and irked at one point. Daren visibly winced when mentioning his latest contact with a rubber glove, before reeling off an impressive list of drugs that he is on that would probably have kept even the Happy Mondays quiet for an hour or two. Steve arrived slightly later then the rest of us having come from something called 'work'. Strange times indeed. I merely reassured everyone that the pig continues to be well looked after chez moi.

There were questions too, relating to Coronation Street characters, dragons, things with a size (big, small, long, little etc.) in their title. Things starting with 'N', songs by Elvis/Freda Payne/Dolly & Creedence. The latter spookily being number one on the very day that Kevster was born, it was the one sometimes misheard as 'There's a bathroom on the right'.  We nailed the 10 pointers and got all of the jeopardy answers including the two that we crossed out. A win by a decent margin.

Today I have mostly been listening to Spear of Destiny and the Cure. Both seem to have a good groundswell of support in the Hound, so many classic songs. As well as Plumpton races notice is duly given of another Hope beer festival next weekend.


  1. Quite masterfully avoided any explicit references to the exploits of one of the team in their youth. I think.

  2. Indeed - undying gratitude is proffered...

    "... variously coloured shorts...", you say - interesting...
