A typical Hound spotted earlier

Saturday 11 April 2015

The Sound of the Hound

Another week, it sort of was and it wasn't. Memories from last week were so murky we'd have needed very little persuading that the quiz didn't really happen at all. So much so that a few of us felt the need to slot in an inbetweener of which more later.

Graham was away doing football things but the rest of us were all in situ early. Politics is hard to avoid at present and I took some online "alignment" test. Now it'll surprise no-one that UKIP and Tory had the best match but I was strangely around 30% aligned to Labour. Have they adopted some decent policies or have I gone all pinko liberal? Neither seems likely.

That dispatched, more of our favourite pre-quiz activity and Quizup (slight contradiction there). While I moved smoothly towards world domination, Kevster, aided by the rest of the gang was hellbent on catching some character known only as "Agozza" (playing from UK). I think they got there.

First round pictures, look I've tried to insert a picture but it hasn't worked, alright?  (*edit - now fixed*)


Anyhow, they were all Spitting Image type caricatures; most were effortlessly dispatched other than one foxy older bird that vexed us. Steve did successfully tag her as Helen Mirren but we were less successful with foxy younger bird Angelina Jolie who we confused with Michael Jackson. Other than race, gender and age, good job.

Current affairs and I've got questions down but no answers. Plastic Jesus, the new 6th largest supermarket in the Uk and the best student experience in the UK featured large, Bath apparently.

Famous firsts next, so none of the Hound collective likely to feature, Desmonds all round I'd wager. Flag to be planted at the South Pole, person to see Jesus after crucifixion and red card for England did though. Norway, Mary Magdalen* and Alan Mullery.

* Luke disagrees on this, presumably Siobhan went with the other three fellas.

Connections, and answers like Candlestick, Rolling Stone and James Dean pointed us the way of American Pie references. This left some backsolving to do, but answers of Lenin for the Good Life cockerel and Chevy (Chase) for some 1978 film we hadn't heard of were too obscure to dig out.

10 pointers and a nice bit of entomology got us "Vestiphobia", the Red Dwarf cat we knew plus digitalis were a confident three. Half time snacks ensued, Spieth went 8 under and no doubt more Agozza chasing plus lie of the land establishing followed.

The "firsts" theme continued in the second half with first lines of songs. Now Daren must have upped his solution strength on the vaping as for the first half he was really nowhere. Thankfully one of us was top ten in the world on music (odd one out) plus Steve bagging "Living La Vida Loca" ensured we saw it through. They weren't really that tough.

Jeopardy and we got 9 from 9, not with 100% confidence but reasonably so until we were faced with what type of creature is a drongo? Three of us weren't much help, Daren's best shot was bird but we weren't solid enough and passed - it proved to be bird.

Music - we tend to get 17 here and probably did thereabouts. Riders On The Storm and Solsbury Hill were highlights.

Last question for the Starburst was the lengths of the Thames in miles. Childs play for someone in the top 10 in the UK on Oceans, Lakes and Rivers* and a flood of starbursts resulted. I discovered speaking while holding one in your mouth makes you sound, and I should choose the word carefully here, a bit remedial - that's the best I can do.

* Only UK, I know, barely seems worth mentioning.

On to scores and the Jeopardy had cost us, losing by twenty points. We've won our share and funds are hardly low so no problem. Now, some feedback from the Tuesday quiz, I'll keep it brief as running low on room:

- a marvellous pint and roll in the Hope beforehand

- a boxer, a fighter by his trade, licking a girl's arse

- these pictures (crosses fingers)


That didn't work either did it? (*edit - image fixed again*)  Anyway on the all important sum we went too high on Stones top 20 hits and finished around 4th. Always good fun though.


  1. Ok, the pictures didn't work but I'm sure you appreciate the effort.

  2. Au contraire Robson, the pictures sum it up nicely

  3. Inserted images now fixed Robson - feel free to revert them according to preference...
