A typical Hound spotted earlier

Thursday 10 July 2014

Dark and stormy hound

Well, as they say, if the mountain won't come to Muhammed, Muhammad must go to the mountain. In other words, do something about it. To place things, I'd watched a German annihilation of Brazil only marginally less complete than the fixture against Poland in 1939, the night was still young, and an exiled Hound on a small island far far away needed action. There had been precious few status reports since my departure, various excuses had been presented, the most ludicrous being the need to preserve Kevster's sanity. Well, you hardly need me to say it but that ship has long since sailed sister. So, in the absence of news, create your own.

As such, I took myself off to the weekly Tuesday night quiz at the Robin Hood, you all know it. I entered there tout seule, uncharacteristically though for a quiz in my experience, it all started on time. A team of 3 near me were doing the quiz, I tossed over a couple of answers, e.g. what event did the Duke of Kent (to later becomes George VI) take part in 1926 (answer at the end). Luckily it was right and their confidence was won. So welcome Hounds for the night Judy, David and David. The resulting team comprising two pharmacists and two actuaries. A potion for success? We would see.

I didn't take notes as such, so my memory might be fading but the blog must go on. It was general knowledge evening and all fairly routine by way of quiz format, no audio, no jeopardy, no pictures. What we did get though is a fair few USA themed things though so I give you, the name of the "Show Me" state, 2014 Stanley Cup winners, who plays in "The Game", what is a very dextrous omnivore and which president was offered terms for the Chicago Penguins, or something like that. Thankfully David knew all these, must have been like shelling peas for him. There were plenty of questions I could contribute on though, and the trans atlantic knowledge bases slotted in well. An inspired last round where we nailed all ten sealed it and "Brazil Nuts" - I couldn't persuade them to change their name for the night, romped home by 5.

Thing is as well, they're a bit like us and accumulate cash from their occasional wins for the odd night out together. I refused any share, grateful to be part of the glory. Hope to take them on with a work team and no football distractions next week otherwise they may have to put up with me again.


Wimbledon - think he played in The King's Speech?
Maryland - I asked David why, can't remember the response
LA Kings - hockey apparently
Harvard v Yale, equivalent of ou Boat Race I guess
Raccoon - well, well
Gerald Ford - about the only thing he's remembered for

Also 7-1. Did that really happen?

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