A typical Hound spotted earlier

Thursday 27 May 2010

20th May 2010 - Wenlock, Mandevill & Hound

Three Hounds gathered early - Robson Hound was hounding his way around Spain and sent his apologies.

We settled on a name that reflected what we thought was missing from the newly named London Olympic mascots and cracked straight into a disastrous first round. We didn't feel it was going well as we wrote our answers and our fears were confirmed as the answers were read out. Having kept a copy of our first round answers it was depressingly easy to go down putting cross after cross through them. We got 10 wrong for 20 out of 30 - comfortably our worst round for a long time, if not ever.

Theo called for silence and started reading out the scores. There were ten teams competing. He gave out score after score and hadn't mentioned ours - had we done SO badly he'd disqualified us?! Imagine therefore our suprise, indeed our absolute astonishment when ours was the penultimate score read out and we were tied for the lead on 28 out of 30! *

Extraordinary stuff...

A frustrating music round followed - we dropped to joint third on behind the lead. The final round was something of a triumph - we got 5 out of 5 on the True/False and we got the anagram (MISSHAPE) and felt very confident - although accepting of the fact that after the farce of the first round almost literally any score could be given.

We ended up clear second, three points behind the winners (who cannot have got a single last round question wrong given that we were only one behind after round two and only got two wrong ourselves in the final round - although that doesn't factor in The Theo Element!)

So - we were about to content ourselves with the runners' up bottle of wine when all hell broke loose as one of the bar staff only went and blummin' pulled out one of our three raffle tickets! After a rather loud roar, a quick jig and another roar, Daren was up to the bar to try and choose the only envelope containing the key to the safe with the money in from the eight envelopes laying on the bar. Suffice to say he picked the wrong one - but got irritatingly close - going for envelope number one when the key was in number two.

Imagine the drama of it all...

Then Mrs Bear turned up and we all regaled her with various tales of the evening and she had a go at Daren for losing the money!!

Next week sees the return of Robson, the absence of Daren and the very final quiz in the 2009/2010 league.

* As a footnote - when all the raffle furore had died down I did show Theo our marked Round One answer sheet and ask him how the hell he gave us 28 when we only got 20 correct. He mumbled some complete nonsense about there being a minimum score to keep everybody in contention and left extremely quickly. No doubt we'll be marked down next week - tune in to find out...

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