A typical Hound spotted earlier

Saturday 18 July 2015

Hound Sharks Attack Quiz

Back to our spiritual home this week and only missing Daren of the regulars. Pre quizzing activities best summed up by "Bugsy Malone", "on the razz up by London Bridge", "32*" and "Birkirkara". Match the Hound to the activity, usual rules apply.

Round 1 was pictures and topically with the Open on in the background they were all golfers. Let's see if the picture thing works.

Nope so I'll talk it through. They were easy enough but all of a certain vintage, Faldo, Sevvy, Woosnam etc. Where were the players of today, the Spieths, the Watsons and the Roses? In fact, in this era of equality in sport, where was Inbee Park, Park Ji Sung, Se Ri Pak? Definitely wouldn't have got 10 there.

Next up and in place of current affairs we had two mini "pointless" style rounds. Name a 5 letter word ending in ICY or a country with a J in it, that sort of thing. Fun but probably more Moeen Ali than Mitchell Johnson so not much of a differentiator.

Third round was geograpghy, mountains, deserts, cities, oceans, lakes and rivers. Right up the alley of those Quiz Up regulars, I think we debated which continent had most tornadoes before settling on North America.

Connections and which is the main breed of Welsh corgi after Pembroke had already exhausted our knowledge stores on Welsh corgis but a few other answers gave us the connection of "Bays", 314, 309, pig, that sort of thing, and we backsolved to Cardigan. Can't beat a bit of backsolving. Still didn't get the oatmeal and treacle cake made in Yorkshire.

10 pointers and what was Louis Washansky famous for in 1967? The year was the clue but dashed if we knew it. We went for an unconvincing murder of a Kennedy. Turns out, having googled him he was the first heart transplant recipient. Didn't do the fella much good though, other than his place in history, it only bought him a few more weeks. We did speculate, given the location, whether there had been a few less documented experimental procedures. Other answers were the writers of the scouse anthem, Rogers and Hammerstein and another answer I've only got written down as "rabbit".

Refreshed by wotsits and twiglets the round after the break was G-Force with a g style connection. Haven't made a lot of notes here but Givenchy, Gandhi and Galaxy featured. Probably.

Jeopardy and the pre round note and guiding principle would be "straight bat". Where is the Serengeti, we thought more Tanzania than Kenya, who was on a £50 note, we thought Wren and what is the middle part of an insect's body, some really quite intricate diagrams led us to thorax.

Now, which ground in London other than Wembley was used in the 1966 World Cup? Without hesitation Graham plumped for White City and the only blank on our card was the number of pips in the Greenwich time signal. I thought 6 but without confidence and remembering our watchword, it stayed blank. Had we done enough?

Last two rounds, very much a blur and onto the scores. Hound 149! Sadly trumped by Lady and the Tramp 153, Busters 176 and Anoraks 178. Even a complete jeopardy wouldn't have been enough without Louis. Ah well, always next week.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Hound and Away

In an unusual turn of events, the majority of Hounds, for various reasons, could not make the usual Thursday night slot and so it was decided to revisit one of the 5 in 5 venues. Tuesday, the popular option, settled us all on the Windsor Castle in Carshalton.

Daren and myself were to get the bus from Purley station, however in this current weather of unusual clemency, the wait at the bus stop was subjected to a deluge, which can only be described as "localised" and "severe". Once onboard, like the children we are, top deck and front seats for the trip to the venue.

A pre-cursory drink at one of the finest pubs in the south east prevailed and we met with Robson at The Hope. Daren, feeling frisky, ordered a light starter of Bee Sting and Moonshine ciders for both him and Robson respectively. When I say light, that was just the colour, the ABV hitting a potentially volatile 7.5%!

Moving on to the Windsor, sense prevailed and the usual tipples went forth.

So on to the quiz itself:

A sheet of "Celebrity" pictures was thrust under our collective hooters. Much deliberation over the various obviously and vaguely familiar faces ensued. A personal regret was not to have the courage of my convictions and insist we put Heather Watson for the final picture. Which it was, by the way! As always though majority rules.

In true Wimbledon fashion, without the aid of Hawkeye, a challenge of the photo, for which the answer was given as Kelly Clarkson, ensued as G-Force shouted no fair. After a bit of Googling, everyone's best friend (hopefully post answers being revealed) ratified the quiz setters. Mumbled apologies for the challenge were barely heard.

9 from 15 - not a bad start.

First round - General Trivia

An eclectic mix of questions we knew the answer to and those we needed to give our best guess. Examples of those being "distance of Greyhound Derby", "Which country produces the largest Harvest of strawberries" and "The nearest tube stop to the British Museum".   (1)

A reasonable 9 from 15 (again) and onto:

Second round - Crackpot round which  consists of Missing links, Box clever and Guess the year

The missing links was made up of former PMs, Eurovision winners, Chinese years of.., Batman actors and French PMs. Only one missed was the year of the Ox sandwiched between Rat and Tiger.
Box Clever was to cross out 4 boxes from 9 of countries which had not hosted the Eurovision. G-Force on typical song, an ace on that.

Guess the year and I decided, given the two life references I had from the clues (year XBox introduced to US and Gladiator Best Picture) to take the lead. Toying between 2000 and 2001 and with persuasion of the rest of the team, plumped for 2001. The other clues seemed to fit that time frame so 2001 it was. Nailed the year.
14 from 15 a great round.

3rd and final round - Music

Usually a strong round from the Hound with Graham's gaps in knowledge usually being filled by the remainder of the team. An absolutely shocking lack of recognition of the "intros" played by the quiz master meaning a score of 8.5 from a possible 15.

There was a guess the exact number round based on three questions, but we were dismally short of coming close.

1st place had a good score of 61 (Last Resort) and the Hound a fairly mediocre 46.5 and 5th.

I know the scores above don't add up to that but then I'm not overly concerned.

Back to the Arms on Thursday.

(1) 480m, USA and Russell Square

Monday 13 July 2015

Dreddy Hound

Purley Arms, Croydon
Thursday 2nd July 2015

After two successive wins with a reduced strength team a more or less fully complemented Hound gathered once again seeking the hat-trick.  Against a backdrop of some sensational tennis from the dread-locked Dustin Brown we made small talk and plotted to do to our opposition what dear old dreddy Dustin was doing to Rafael Nadal, i.e. administer a humiliating defeat.

@dreddytennis pictured earlier

Round 1 - Pictures - 'the eyes have it' - the ocular visages of ten famous folk ranging from Emma Bunton to Madonna via, amongst others, Bobby Robson, Tom Selleck, Phil Collins, Dolly Parton and, somewhat bizarrely, Fred West.  8/10

Round 2 - Current Affairs - included a question about the winner of the dreddy Dustin and raffish Rafa match and you can't get much more current than that...  It's traditional here to get 7/10 and the Hound is nothing if not a strict observer of tradition.  7/10

Round 3 - themed on America - fairly safe ground for the Hound but nonetheless one major blooper on America's longest river - we said the Mississippi, it isn't...*   9/10

Round 4 - connections - 10/10 here with the connection being identified after the first answer...  Gregory Peck, Lady Godiva, Barney Rubble, Vera Lynn, Hank Marvin, Ayrton Senna, Eartha Kitt, Nelson Mandela and Bob Hope - the connection is...? **

Round 5 - 3 x 10 pointers - 3/3 here - usually a good staging point in a romp to victory...

Half time - glasses recharged and cautious optimism abounding

Round 6 - the letter 'E' - 8/10 here - can't remember precisely the question but we put HME Endeavour when we should've put HMS Enterprise and we failed to guess what 'E' was measured on the Mercali Scale...***

Round 7 - Jeopardy - can't remember whether we went for this or not - I think we did but we absolutely shouldn't have done 'cos we weren't even close...  What did British roads first acquire in 1914?  How many Community Chests on a Monopoly board?  And, the name of which 1977 formed British pop group refers to a financial status?  ****

Round 8 - music - the nine answers we wrote down were correct - we didn't have a clue about one of them and, helpfully, I haven't written down what it was...  9/10

In all eight teams took part and scores ranged from 94 to 141 with the Hound bombing out to fourth place on 132 points.

Oh, and the box of chocolates question (a box of Heroes this week!) - which part of an ambulance is named after a mythical sea creature? *****

One for the road, buses, trains, epic chicken kebabs, etc...

* Missouri
** examples of rhyming slang
*** Earthquakes
**** White lines, 2 and Dire Straits (we put UB40!)
***** Siren

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Half-yearly Hound...

... Report - all the stats that matter.

In total there have now been 127 posts published, attracting 194 comments and followed by 7 subscribers.

In addition to the 127 posts we still have two associated blog 'pages' - 'Hound Songs' and 'a.k.a. The Hound' - which have attracted 124 and 85 views respectively.

The overall, all-time, summary - click the 'thumbnail' for the full-size image...

All-time top ten posts...

Last month's top ten posts...

All-time audience breakdown...

Last month's audience breakdown...

As for The Hound's 'Kitty', after a couple of victories in June (I believe - subject to confirmation) there is £1100+ in the half-year accounts balance.

All the football punts came to absolutely nothing - more thought to be given to the 2015/2016 selections.

That's it for now - more at the end of the year...