A typical Hound spotted earlier

Saturday 24 April 2010

Raffle Winning Hounds

Bit of a late start for me this week, I had another social in Gipsy Hill to attend so Theo got to the JF before I did. Conducted the Daily Mail quiz by text on the train on the way up to Purley so got warmed up into quiz form. Kevster and Daren were the other attendees.

Round One went ok. I'd confused the Kensington Oval with the Kennington Oval and suggested Surrey instead of Barbados - thankfully Daren overruled. We also successfully identified Grace Kelly as the first actress to appear on a stamp. Now we've taken to recording our first round score and with a real score of 27 we felt a strong early position was assured. We were somewhat dismayed to score 26 and be in the pack. Dismayed put it mildly in Daren's case and he was on the brink of rioting. Thankfully Theo popped over and having checked our paper confirmed we had actually scored 27 - he didn't seem too bothered about it though. This compared well with the Hamster's real score of 20.

Onto the music and it was one of those rounds with a soul type theme. None of our strong suits and we demonstrated this with picking The Stylistics over the Drifters for "You're More Than A Number..." Still in the pack though. Round three and again steady performances, 4 out of 5 on films, good for us and 4 out of 5 on True or False - exceptional. A remarkably easy anagram - LATITUDE - and we awaited the results. Well, it's not really our turn to win and the expected joint third was achieved behind surprise winners the Hamsters.

Onto the reason we were there and three keys for £800 in the raffle. The ticket went to Quizzards Sleeve and we feared a repeat of the Christmas win. Thankfully Robyn - though we do like her - picked the wrong key and next week it gets really exciting.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Volcanic Hound

Quality not quantity, ok, there weren't many of us but a plural of Hounds is still a pack. Thankfully the regular Hound table was there for us and Daren and myself were there to represent the good name of all things Hound. Corned beef on toast and ham sandwich were the slightly unusual pre-quiz meals, but frankly, cooking doesn't get any tougher than that, not for me anyway.

Lot's of guesses on round 1; which continent has never hosted the Olympics? Which is the longest running TV quiz show? You see where we're coming from? 26/30 wasn't bad but it put us 2 points behind surprise (not least to them) leaders, Quizzards Sleeve.

Onto music and after a few I was frankly flumoxed. Thankfully songs like Run This Town, Feeling Groovy, Cuba and I Owe You Nothing gave us the chance to show our class (get the reference?) and er, not move clear but stay tucked in behind, still surprise leaders, QS.

Onto the last round and unsurprisingly, on sporting turf, the answers were predictably Don't Push It and Leftie though Wladimir and not Vitali was the one to throw down the gauntlet to David Hayemaker Haye. On true or false, I think we got a par 3/5. On the last round 8/10 but sadly missing an anagram to ROASTING though I still think ORATINGS has merit.

In the final analysis we beat one team. Bah! It was all change up front but not for the Hound. At least the raffle wasn't won and the pub was open.

Sunday 11 April 2010

8th April 2010 - Messi Hound

Taking the inspiration for this week's name from Barcelona's Argentine player Lionel Messi, who had earlier in the week scored four goals to almost single-handedly eliminate Arsenal from the Champions League, we gathered hoping for a similarly impressive result to get The Hound's season back on track and to provide impetus for an energetic head-long dash for the finishing line.

We were denied our usual seat in the pub by a pair of non-participating Dorises who genteely sipped the occasional glass of wine and generally avoided getting into the spirit of things.

No matter - we warmed up with a crack at the day's Times' crossword and chose not to take it as a sign of things to come when we failed to complete it. We clattered through the various traditional Daily Mail warm up quizzes and settled in for the evening.

The first round felt good but scored no better than average - 25 out of 30 to be precise. But what did we care - we always lead at the end of Round Two right?

Wrong. We were again supremely average - joint seventh on 60 points, two behind the lead.

The final round was an increasingly gloomy affair - confidence and frustration were fading and growing in fairly equal measure. A good 'True or False' round though can change everything. And we had a bad one - a mere two from five possible. We stared glumly at the anagram for a while before Robson briefly illuminated proceedings with the answer.

We needed to have the best last round in the pub - we didn't, and thus finished joint third two behind the victorious 'Hamsters'.

Undeterred, or blinded by alcohol - or both I suppose, we nonetheless decided to use this umpteenth successive failure in a low key pub quiz as a platform from which to launch into the world of televised quizardry.

The keenly observant among you will note the absence of the regular, 'what-were-the-pre-match-meals?' and 'who-wore-what?' features. Deal with it.

Happy Hounding.

Friday 2 April 2010

Hot Cross Hound

It was the day before Good Friday and with four days to recover, there was no reason to hold back on the boozing, Daren and Kevster were already hard at it when I showed up sometime before six. The first thing to notice was that the new management appear to have embraced all things Hound with a picture of one, quite possibly the same one as the basset on this blogspot on the toilet wall. What effect this would have on the customers it was difficult to tell but I certainly approved. The toilets were a bit cleaner as well.

Not long later and a newly shorn Pete showed up, fresh from spending five hours on the M40 - or rather not as the M40 was shut requiring a detour. Beer of the week was a rather fruity "Flying Dutchman" number - Pete and myself tucked in enthusiastically while the others stuck to numbers.

It was still an hour before the quiz was due to start and most of the group were still hungry. Hence a rather unimaginative list of pre quiz meals, chicken, chicken, cheese sandwich and chicken. Pick the bones out of that lot Danny.

Onto round one and now the impact of the Flying Dutchman is starting to kick in, I remember we correctly identified Beyonce being older than Katie Melua and light travels at 186,000m/s - though I knew that anyway. Oh and it's the 3rd level of the Tower of Pisa that leans, think we said the fourth. Somehow we finished the round on 29/30, not sure how, it can't have been our answers.

Round two and there was music. I think there was Rossini and the James Bond theme and probably something by either Girls Aloud or The Saturdays. We were still thereabouts though at the end.

Round three - maybe three on the true or false. The anagram was INDICATE. I challenge anyone to get this, clue, I did a degree in the relevant subject but still didn't get it and have just googled it to check what it is.

Well we didn't win, not a vintage Hound performance but we gained a point on Quizzards Sleeve who weren't there again and the raffle wasn't won. We move on.